Sunday, April 14, 2013

101 in 1001

Here is a fun activity I got from my cousin's blog : Every Girl Like Me

The Mission:
To complete 101 tasks in 1001 days

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching. 

Why 1001 days?: 
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as new year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

The Start Date: April 14, 2013
The End Date: January 10, 2016

Teal Bold= completed
Italics = in progress
Strike Through = changed goal
Yellow = blog post about it

Completed: (0/101)
In Progress: (0/101)

1. For every goal I do not complete $5 gets donated to a mission of my choice (96/101)
Relationship with Others
2.Write to my brother about how much he means to me
3. Set up mom's ipod
4. Send a letter to at least on person a month(2/33)
5.Be in a wedding
6.Have class over for a bonfire
7.Send Pay-it-Forward gifts (0/4)
8.Make all Homemade gifts for Christmas
9.Participate in a Drive- through difference
10.Tip 100% of my bill
11.Bring treats to my neighbors
12. Feed the meters
13. Go to FMSC- Went with Dad and his CBS group 
14. Start an OCC collection during the year
15.Donate a bag of groceries
16. Dig someone's car out
17. Make t-shirt quilt
18. Make another quilt
19 .Start my blog about high school
20. Pinterest day with Janelle and Megan
21. Make 2 pinterest crafts (that aren't on this list) (0/2)
22. Put home videos on computer
23. Make a shutterfly book
24. Make 5 pinterest recipes (1/5) Raspberry bars summer 15
25. Leave my mark @ UMD
26. Have a Garage Sale
27. Knit a scarf
28. Send a postcard to postsecret
29. Crochet a scarf--Over Christmas
30. Make a patchwork quilt from grandmas squares
31. Princess Diaries Painting
Relationship with God
32. Memorize 5 passages, 5 verses or longer (0/5)
33. Quiet time every day for a month
34. Fast every other month (0/15)
35. Write out answers to 5 difficult questions (0/5)
36. Type up bible notes
37. Consistently support 5 missionaries (3/5)
38. Share the gospel explicitly
39. Have 8 diSKYPElships with Liz (0/8)
40. Read through the entire Bible
Health and Beauty
41. Donate Blood
42. Donate to Locks of Love (Gave to Pantene!! 1/15)
43. Go on a bike trip
44. Run a 5K
45. Get a splint
46. No gum for a month
47.No sweets for a month
48. Exercise everyday for a month
49. Pierce my ear 
50. Dye my hair
51. Get a French manicure
52. Do a movie/ tv show workout
53. Do an At-home hair removal
Sites and Sounds
54. Uncle Louis
55. Sarah's Table
56. Get a Jucy Lucy
57. Bulldog hockey Game- 2/22/14  with Keute, Hope, Lucy, Bre, and Leah. We lost 6-2 to UND
58. Go to UMD soccer game
59. Go to UMD basketball game (went to two UMD volleyball games :) does that count?
60. Visit Cathy
61. Go to a drive-in
62. Go to junk bonanza
63. Go to Albertville outlets
64. Visit my brother at college
65. Go camping
66. Go to a school concert, performance, play
67. See the Northern Lights (at least in Duluth)
68. Go skiing
69. Go mini golfing
70. Go to a corn maze
71. See Wicked
72. Go Frisbee golfing
73. Go to the Zoo
74. Go rock climbing
75. Go Wakeboarding
76. Pack a Picnic Lunch and drive somewhere
77. Do five puzzles (2/5)
Growing Up
78. Buy a car
79. Make and Follow a budget for 3 mo
80. No Hulu/ Netflix for a month
81. Graduate
82. Pass the FE
83. Intern with Cru
84. Learn to drive stick
85. Learn to change the oil
86. Start a Savings Program
87. Master Euchre
88. Understand my taxes
 Books and Movies
89. Read Les Misreables
90. Read Mere Christianity
91. Watch Penelope
92. Watch all Star Wars available in a row
93. Learn the Thriller Dance
94. Watch every episode of Boy Meets World
95. Learn a song on the guitar
96. See Brave
97. See Silence of the Lambs
98. Watch Gone with the Wind
99. Read the other Tolkien books
100. Go to a Midnight Premire (Both Hobbits!) 
101. Read a Chan, Piper, or Keller book (read Son of God by Tim Keller)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

make do with what ya got

I would say that my mom considers herself an extreme couponer. She buys things like cereal and juice in bulk just because she has a coupon. We end up using it but sometimes its a little extreme, and i need to take matters into my own hands. One time she bought some... interesting cereal... kind of like cheerios but crunchier...  
 yummy right? Well she told us that we couldn't open any new boxes of cereal until we finish these. So I decided to make some cereal bars. I used the recipe for Special K below

1/2  C. White corn syrup
1/2 C. sugar
heat in pan until sugar is dissolved. Add
3/4 C. peanut butter
3 C. cereal
1 tsp. vanilla
put ingredients into 9x13 pan
melt 1 pkg. butterscotch and 1/2 pkg of chocolate chips and cover the top


Not the best Special K bars but WAY better than the original cereal!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Microwave Baked Potato

So as a college student we find ways to make normal food faster and easier and smaller. Case in point... microwave baked potato. So I had done this last year and had used this guideline: It says to cook for 5 minutes, rotate and then five minutes more. I had a really small potato so I did four minutes on each side.

It COOKED it! My potato was wrinkly, shriveled, and the skin was super tough. I was still able to scrap off some of the inside and eat it will gobs of butter, salt, pepper, and season salt.  ( this is how I season ALL things since its easy and cheap and tastes good [included my green beans])

Lesson: watch the microwave with a baked potato in it because you probably need less time than that.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

More of a Motherly Skill

Over break when I was home I got to work on a lot of projects. This particular one I would refer to more as a motherly project than a wifey skill since most wives won't need to curl hair ;)
My sister was in Beauty and the Beast. We had to curl her hair in tight curls (just not loose ones) and then put it in a half pony. We started by trying to use a straightener and my neighbors iron that didn't have a clamp. Thankfully that was just rehearsal because it didn't turn out to well :) The next day we acquired another curling iron so both my mom and I could work on it at the same time. We sprayed each piece before curling it. It took two days to realize we should curl the bottom first and work our way up. After the whole head was curled we put the half pony in. This was the hardest part because the hairspray made it difficult and painful to comb the top back. The last day we tried to only curl until the half pony and then curl the ends from there. It did not look wonderful but she was wearing a hairpiece over that part anyway. In the end you just spray the crap out of it so it all stays in place. If I had to do it again I would curl the whole head but not use hairspray on the top before I put it in the half pony.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tonight I got to spend some time with an incredible group of women. They are a group of volunteers that help run a gift shop. This gift shop supports ministries here and around the world. The articles that are sold are created by artisans from in country or local artists here. All the money goes back to these groups. Tonight was volunteer appreciation night. I got to here where a lot of the money was going as well as what impact they are making. For example, there is a group of women in Peru. The Product Development Team from the gift shop created projects that these women could make. They have taken time to teach these women how to make these crafts. The shop purchase the materials and then the women make the crafts. The shop then sells them and the women get the money. It is a we can help these women provide for their families without giving them a handout. There are so many more stories about the wonderful ways that this gift shop is  helping people around the world. The women who volunteer here all have so many skills that they are using to further the kingdom. All I kept hearing were opportunities for ministry in my future!

If you want to check it out:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Family skills

Today my mom, sister, and I all decided to work on our skills together. My called us "acting amish." On my list of things to do during Christmas break was the fix the new mittens I got. They are made from recycled, shrunk wool sweaters (something I hope to do eventually). They cuff was only tacked on the ends so I sewed around the outside. My sister learned how to sew on a button. My mom was fixing a pair of jeans that the button had fallen off. This is unfortunate because there is no simple solution. So she sewed the button to the back of the pocket instead of on the outside. My sister cannot use the pocket well anymore but at least she didn't have to sew the pocket shut and the jeans have a pocket. I started work on a denim quilt I hope to make for my uncle by the end of the week. We will see how that turns out!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

What does "wifey skill" mean?

So a while ago my friend and I learned to use a sewing machine again for a craft project. I had also recently learned how to knit. We dubbed both of these "wifey skills." Meaning these were skills that you could add to a resume for marriage or were things women used to know how to do but wasn't as common now. Throughout the next year we continued to dub skills that we learned "wifey skills" or anything we could use in the future particularly as a wife or mother. Many of these include new recipes or crafts as well as neat tricks for around the house.
I decided that I wanted to keep track of these skills and post them for others to learn in a very simple step by step manner. I also wanted to use this to track not only how I am growing in home ec but also how I am growing spiritually. How I am learning to love God more and the lessons I have learned along the way. I hope you enjoy reading a little into my life and those around me!