Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Microwave Baked Potato

So as a college student we find ways to make normal food faster and easier and smaller. Case in point... microwave baked potato. So I had done this last year and had used this guideline: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/microwave-baked-potato/ It says to cook for 5 minutes, rotate and then five minutes more. I had a really small potato so I did four minutes on each side.

It COOKED it! My potato was wrinkly, shriveled, and the skin was super tough. I was still able to scrap off some of the inside and eat it will gobs of butter, salt, pepper, and season salt.  ( this is how I season ALL things since its easy and cheap and tastes good [included my green beans])

Lesson: watch the microwave with a baked potato in it because you probably need less time than that.

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